Learning the value of simplicity. It's true. I am about to embark on a downsizing adventure in my home. Clean out all the crap that has accumulated during our many years of marriage and family raising...it's just time. I do this fairly regularly with my own belongings but not with the household at large.
So, this inevitably means: GARAGE SALE! Oh the joys of total strangers driving up and digging through our mess, lol. My favorite are the ones who try to barter down from .50 to .35. Sure! I'll say, if you need the .15 more than I do, you go for it. Good gravy, lol. More likely then not, if I do have anything of value I'll probably just Craigslist it and then have a Garage Giveaway! Perhaps, if people just take everything, then I won't have to expend any gas in order to dump it myself at Goodwill! *fingers crossed* One can only hope.
I like simplicity though. Just the idea of 'less stuff'. In a culture that is so 'consume!consume!consume!' it seems to bring a measure of peace to have just a frying pan, just a spatula, just a mixing bowl...instead of the 243 pieces of cookware and utensils that I will never have time to use. Tall would disagree with me however because he does use most of those utensils...and he is a FABULOUS cook! I <3 that man! So, yes, we keep a lot of utinsils to assist in Tall's cooking hobby which is only to our benefit because he cooks only with fresh items - and that winds up being a bit cheaper for all of us if we don't eat meat every single day (which we don't anymore) and stick to basic ingredients (with which he can do AMAZING things!).
How much easier will it be to keep things organized and neat as well...I may have to make a list of areas to clean out. I think I'll start with the main closet this weekend. Lord knows that needs some serious help. The real trick will be convincing the rest of the family to downsize their 'stuff' as well. Tall will be resistant in general, but only because I have been asking him to clean his stuff out of the garage for the last 12 years.
Tall: "What do you want for your <insert special day of choice>?"
Stuck: "A clean and organized garage."
Tall: *eye roll*
I swear, if I could just back up a dump truck to my garage, I would just scrape it clean. My things in there are condensed into a single box. His things...are everywhere. *sigh*. Oh well, you take the bad with the good. I still vow to have a cleaned out, downsize, 'less-stuff stuffed' house.
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