29 September 2010

God bless my bread maker!

Yesterday, Birdie comes into the living room kinda upset that the bread had gone moldy.  It was store-bought - kinda cheap 'faux-wheat' bread - the kind that you use as the interim in switching your kid from the dreaded, unhealthy processed white to good, healthy, organic wheat.  Anyway, it's been rather humid and hot for the past few days and it got left out and decided it had had enough of waiting to be eaten and so it turned green and died. Meh. I wasn't that upset about it, however, Birdie was extremely concerned about how she would make lunch for school this morning...no bread = no lunch.  True, we are short on lunch items at the moment...we can't go to the store until I get paid so...that can make things tricky when you have too much week and not enough money.

Solution: I have a bread maker. One that was given to us when Tall and I got married oh so many years ago and I had just in the past couple of weeks dug it out from storage and placed it gleaming white on my counter! Maybe I was preparing for just such a bread shortage, maybe I was desperate to try the copy-cat Cinnabon recipe I discovered on line the day before...who knows.  Whatever the real reason, I had it sitting out ready and waiting, so...I made bread. A beautiful, 2lb loaf of dense, white bread made from organic bread flour, sea-salt, butter, sugar, and milk. It was a thing of beauty and was all finished and cooling when we all woke up this morning. I pulled it out of the machine and, since it was cooled enough, sliced and bagged it.

Tall asked me later, "Hey Stuck, did you slice the bread?"
Stuck:  "Yep."
Tall: "Did you use a guide or something?"
Stuck:  "Nope."
Tall: "Really? "
Stuck:  "Really."
Tall: "These are really straight cuts! That's great!"
Stuck:  "Greatest thing since...sliced bread?" *rim shot*
Tall: *eyeroll*
Stuck:  "Yeah...mad knife skillz, I haz them." *wink*

Yes, it was white bread...but I still feel pretty good about it since I could pronounce all five ingredients and it was made in my own kitchen.

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