09 August 2011


Our waiting is over and we have received our discharge! THANK GOD!Things are looking a lot more hopeful.  We're starting up a brand new day.

28 July 2011

Best Neighbor in the World. For Reals!

A few months ago, Tall and I had a very bad day.

One of our cars has been down with a busted transmission since Aug2010, and our other vehicle, a Suburban from 1992 (which is less fuel efficient than an ARMY issued Humvee and has exactly ZERO cool factor points) had been having some issues with stalling for the past few weeks.  I'd be driving along in traffic and it would just...die. Nerve wracking to say the least, and dangerous as well! When the truck dies, so does the power steering, power brakes, etc...and a truck isn't exactly easy to maneuver under those circumstances.

27 July 2011

Almost done.

I find it ironic that as Tall and I are almost finished with this phase of things, we are having to sit back and watch our nation enter the first stages of default! Denial...goes down really sweet and keeps things foggy for a good long while until the truth slaps you so hard you can't see your own feet.

Tall and I are at the tail of our stay in the "60-Day Club", a waiting place of sorts just prior to discharge of debts (Deo Volente!) and the conclusion of our bankruptcy case (double Deo Volente!). We're still in the desert though.

06 June 2011

60 Day Club

Our 341 meeting was this morning.  (If you don't know what that is:  it is a meeting that occurs roughly 30 days after you file your bankruptcy papers.  You meet with the US Trustee of your county who looks over your financial life to see if there is anything of value that can be seized and sold to perhaps make up for the thousands of dollars you likely can't pay to your creditors.  You never, ever lie to a Trustee...and if you are in the kind of situation Tall and I are, why on earth would you anyway?!?)

29 April 2011

Epic Update

After months of struggling (and I'd really rather not go to far into all that), and with a little help from our 2010 tax refund, we have finally been able to finish paying our lawyer and today was the day we signed the papers.  We are officially bankrupt.  *sigh*

Now, I have found an amazing online community that is full of answers, suggestions, information, and understanding. A place to ask my myriad of questions, state my concerns, express my fears, etc.  They've really been wonderful the last several months.   It's called:  http://www.bkforum.com.  It is an excellent place to research anything and everything about bankrupty.  Seems there are several professionals who work in the field offering solid advice (though not "legal advice", if you get the difference), also lots of

28 October 2010

Self pity moment. Yeah...I'm guilty.

I can't help feeling sad. When I stop and look at my life and where I think I should be in it, I fall woefully short.

My husband should be able to find a decent job...one that would enable me to work part time so I can pick my kids up after school and attend cheer practice with Lu and volleyball with Birdie.

I should be able to replace the crappy carpet in our living room because it is about a million years old AND it is mauve - the color of "old", *shudder*, plus it's just gross.  Mauve carpet should never, never, never, ever be put in a room that has cherry paneling (even if it is real cherry paneling) for a wall.

I should have a car that works.

I should be able to take my kids clothes shopping and be able to give them the birthday present I promised I'd them them "as soon as dad is working".

21 October 2010

I threw myself on the mercy of Bank of America today...

I admit completely that I was scared to call them. I want to pay my bills, however, due to our current circumstances I simply am unable to do so.

After receiving a FedEx delivered notice from BOA (yes, they'd been mailing and calling since July), I finally decided I had to bite the bullet and just call. I've been a customer of theirs for the last 14 years - never missed a single payment!  EVER! Paid the account off...twice! So for me to not pay this bill has been excruciating. I'm a woman of my word, I repay what I borrow...it has been hell.

I have to say I was very surprised by the response I got from their Customer Care department (a special department for collections at BOA). The gentleman I spoke with was truly a gentle man. Even when I broke