01 October 2010

Finding humor wherever I can...

My office has a ginormous bottle of hand sanitizer at the front desk (seriously- it's 40oz!). Since I sit at the front desk I get to watch as people assume if they slap that pump down to get a bit of germ-killing goo, they will get just enough to do the job and it will land nicely in their hand.

Suckers. LOL!

What actually happens (every. single. time.) is someone will see the sanitizer and "Oh! Cool!  You've got sanitizer!" and immediately walk over to the bottle and forcefully press that pump down. When they do this, what seems like a 1/4 cup of goo comes shooting at high velocity and schmangies the person...I even had one guy jump to the side and it hit the far wall! Velocity - man, I wasn't kidding! LOL!  It was so bad I had to make a sign "CAUTION.  Press slowly!", but is it ever read? No. What it does do is absolve me of any guilt associated with that sanitizer bottle 'cause, fair warning given.  Not my fault if you can't read!! LMAO!

I laugh every. single. time. *big evil grin*

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